Approve the new market contract
Along with aiRight's development, we also have to constantly update our contract, which includes the approval mechanism that requires the NFT owners to give permission to our NFT market contract on having authority on executing all the actions related to NFT.
1. What is the approval mechanism?
The approval mechanism: To be able to execute the following actions, Our NFT market contract needs the permission of the NFT owners: Sell/Buy/Auction/Bid/FinishAuction/Automatically send the royalty to the creator, and other actions will be added with the new features coming. So before selling/auctioning your NFT on the aiRight marketplace, the owners need to sign an approval transaction to give authority to our contract.
2. Why do I need to approve?
For those who have On-sale or need-to-finish auction NFT, each time we update to the new NFT market contract, the previous permission for the former contract is no longer valid so other users can’t buy or finish the auctions (claim NFTs and money) until you approve the new one. We will send a warning popup to these owners to ask for a signing approval transaction, please follow our instructions below. The buyers will also receive the notice if you haven’t approved it on the NFT details page.
3. How to approve our new marketplace contract:
Step 1: When you visit Marketplace or your Profile, you will see a warning popup below:
Step 2: Click “Approve now” and sign the transaction by entering your pin
If you accidentally close the popup, don’t worry, you can turn on it again by clicking on the “Approve the NFT market contract” button in the Profile tab
Last updated