
Oraichain is an AI-Layer 1 for Data economy and Oracle services. aiRight is a Dapp for NFT in the Oraichain Ecosystem and takes advantage of its products.

  • Oraichain Mainnet: the blockchain base on which every transaction of aiRight will be implemented and tracked the transaction by the Oraiscan.io

  • OWallet: Wallet that supports the whole Oraichain Ecosystem, allowing to store, transfer and manage tokens on Oraichain Mainnet, including NFT, native ORAI and CW20 tokens.

  • AI Oracle: aiRight using an AI Oracle - the Copy Detection AI model - provided by Oraichain in protecting the NFT authenticity by early detecting the similar NFTs over the blockchains.

  • OraiBridge: a secure asset transfer subnetwork to swap assets from other blockchain networks like Ethereum or BNB Chain and Cosmos-based assets to Oraichain Mainnet 2.0 and vice versa. More about OraiBridge.

  • OraiDEX: OraiDEX is a CosmWasm smart contract-based decentralized exchange platform with multichain interoperability, optimal speed, and a lot of liquidity options for users. Native ORAI, CW20 AIRI can be swapped on OraiDEX. More about OraiDEX.

Owallet: Cosmos x EVM in one Wallet

OWallet is developed based on Keplr and MetaMask source code and is currently maintained by Oraichain Labs. OWallet supports both Cosmos-based and EVM-based networks including Cosmos Hub, Oraichain, Osmosis, Juno, Ethereum, BSC, and more.Users on aiRight will use the Owallet to create an account and store their assets (NFT and tokens) and use all functions on aiRight.

ORAI and AIRI token

Because aiRight runs on Oraichain Mainnet and uses Oraichain Wallet, it is supporting ORAI and AIRI for transactions, and all CW20 tokens in the future. There are several types of ORAI and AIRI that users need to know about and distinguish.

ORAI token

  • Native ORAI token

Like other blockchains, Ethereum for example has its own native token for fueling the transaction gas fee, Oraichain Mainnet has its own native token, called the native ORAI.For aiRight, native ORAI is not only the token needed for the gas fee transactions but also a payment method on aiRight Marketplace and services. This means that users can buy NFT and aiRight services, and pay the gas fee by native ORAI.

  • ERC20 ORAI and BEP20 ORAI

Before the native ORAI is officially released with the Oraichain mainnet, there were ERC20 ORAI on Ethereum and BEP20 ORAI on the BNB chain, which now can be swapped to native ORAI on Oraichain Mainnet using OraiBridge on oraidex.io. But only native ORAI can be used on aiRight.

AIRI token

  • CW20 token

Similar to ERC20 on Ethereum or BEP20 on BNB Chain, CW20 is the standard token type (defined by the CosmWasm community) on the Oraichain Mainnet 2.0. When IBC-compatible assets like ATOM, OSMO or JUNO are moved to the Oraichain network via OraiDEX, they will be wrapped in the form of CW20 tokens for various usage purposes within our ecosystem.

  • CW20 AIRI token

CW20 AIRI is one of the CW20 tokens on Oraichain and can be used on aiRight as a payment method.

  • BEP20 AIRI token

Before the CW20 AIRI is available on Oraichain Mainnet, we have created BEP20 AIRI on the BNB chain. Now the BEP20 AIRI - CW20 AIRI can be transferable easily via OraiBridge on https://oraidex.io/bridge for specific purposes. Detailed guideline

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