
  • Image Generation API:

    This API allows you to generate images from textual descriptions using the Flux model.

  • Try it out

    Get your API key at the following site: https://airight.io/api-key

  • How to use

  • Parameters:

    • callback: (required) an api url that we can call by POST method to return the result after the image is generated.

    • modelId: (required) The Model ID is what we use to set default values for optional parameters. Its value is 133

    • prompt: (required) A textual description of the desired image. More specific and detailed prompts yield better results.

    • width, height: (optional) The dimensions of the generated image. Default is 512.

  • Response:

    The API returns the job ID which you can get the result by calling the api https://developers.airight.io/nft-market-backend-service/sdk/art/{id} if we are unable to call the callback url to send you the response.

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