How to bridge BEP20 AIRI <=> CW20 AIRI

1. How to bridge $AIRI from Oraichain to BSC:

First, Visit and connect both Keplr and Metamask wallet To bridge AIRI on Oraichain to BSC, the AIRI will be transferred over the 3 steps: CW20 AIRI on Oraichain => BEP20 AIRI on Oraichain => BEP20 AIRI on OraiBridge (a subnetwork of Oraichain executing the cross-chain token transfer) => BEP20 AIRI on BSC

Step 1: CW20 AIRI (Oraichain) => BEP20 AIRI (Oraichain) In the Bridge section, in Oraichain column, select AIRI (Oraichain) box

Enter the amount and click “Converse to BEP20 AIRI (Oraichain)”

Step 2: BEP20 AIRI (Oraichain) => BEP20 AIRI (OraiBridge) (OraiBridge is a subnetwork of Oraichain to support transfer token cross chain)

Still, in the Oraichain column, choose the “BEP20 AIRI (Oraichain)” box, enter the amount and click “Transfer to OraiBridge”

Step 3: Complete by transfer BEP20 AIRI (OraiBridge) => BEP20 AIRI (BNB chain)

Switch to Other chains column, select “BEP20 AIRI (OraiBridge)” box, enter the amount and click “Transfer To Binance Smart Chain”

Please wait until the transaction is done and you will see your BEP20 AIRI shown on the UI.

2. How to bridge AIRI from BSC to Oraichain?

Step 1: Visit and connect both Keplr and Metamask wallet

Step 2: In the Bridge section, in “Other chains” and “Oraichain” columns, select BEP20 and CW20 relatively

Step 3: Enter the amount and click “Transfer”. You might need to wait for the transaction to complete.

Step 4: After the transaction is complete, click the “Convert to AIRI” button to get the CW20 AIRI on Oraichain Mainnet finally.

Last updated