How to get CW20AIRI and native ORAI token
ORAI, and AIRI are the cryptocurrency that fuel transactions on the aiRight, you can buy them from a digital currency exchange like aiRight, Kucoin, Pancakeswap, and OraiDex.
1. Buy CW20 AIRI directly on OraiDex
CW20 AIRI (AIRI Mainnet) is available to buy on OraiDEX. It can be swapped from all tokens supported by OraiDEX.
If you have had tokens on OraiDEX, just visit and swap tokens to CW20 AIRI.
If you are a beginner, please follow the below steps:
Below we will give the most convenient way to get AIRI (Please note that you need an Oraichain wallet address first. If you haven’t had any address, visit to create one.
Step 1: Buy native ORAI via Kucoin then withdraw to your Oraichain wallet.
Step 2: Visit OraiDEX and connect your Oraichain wallet
Important note: You need to import the mnemonics of the exact Oraichain wallet used for your aiRight account. If not, your AIRI can not be transferred to your aiRight account to make any payment.
Step 3: Swap native ORAI to CW20 AIRI on OraiDEX:
After buying AIRI successfully, your AIRI will be displayed on your Oraichain wallet or aiRight account
2. Buy BEP20 AIRI on aiRight and Pancakeswap
Bridge BEP20AIRI from BSC to CW20 AIRI on Oraichain
Step 1: Visit and connect both Keplr and Metamask wallet
Step 2: In the Bridge section, in the “From” and “To” columns, select BEP20 and CW20 relatively
Step 3: Enter the amount and click “Transfer”. You might need to wait for the transaction to complete.
3. Transfer CW20 AIRI between Oraichain wallets
Step 1: Visit and connect both Keplr and Metamask wallet
Step 2: Select “Transfer CW20 Token”, here you can choose the token you want to transfer
Step 3: Choose the token you want to transfer, fill in the oraichain recipient address and click “Transfer”
4. What is the difference between CW20 AIRI, and BEP20 AIRI?
The primary difference between CW20 AIRI and BEP 20 AIRI is that of the underlying network. While CW20 tokens are based on the Oraichain mainnet, BEP20 tokens are built on BSC network. With each type of token, the holders will have different privileges.CW20 AIRI (native AIRI): Besides being used as a payment token and NFT Staking reward on aiRight, CW20 AIRI also opens a gateway for the holders to access various current and upcoming beneficial programs.BEP20 AIRI: Used primarily as a farming token, BEP 20 AIRI holders are able to use this token to stake on aiRight Token Farming pool to get passive income.
Last updated